# Systemic Lupus Erythematosus --- **Systemic lupus erythematosus** or **SLE** is an inflammatory [[autoimmune disorder]] (specifically, it's an example of a [[type III hypersensitivity|type 3 hypersensitivity]]). Essentially, the immune system recognizes and attacks the [[nucleus]] of the cells of the body, destroying the cell. This is accompanied by an overproduction of self antibodies, which bind to the [[antigen|self-antigens]] and makes up those immune complexes that can get jammed in the walls of blood vessels and be quite painful. SLE is not considered a fatal disease, but it can be debilitating. ## Risk Factors SLE is a disease with no concrete, single cause. There do however, appear to be multiple factors that all work together to produce SLE. - [[genetics]] - environmental factors - [[radiation|UV radiation]] exposure in particular - viral infection - emotional or physical [[stress]] - AFAB are more at risk - probably has to do with [[estrogen]] production, as it affects ovary-havers of "childbearing age" - ethnicity ## Signs & Symptoms The signs and symptoms of SLE often come and go in exacerbations and remissions. Because it affects so many parts of the body, sins and symptoms can be vague and varied. Complications of SLE can lead to end organ damage. - joint symptoms - often the first symptom - lesions - often presents as a characterestic "butterfly rash" on the face, especially after sun exposure - hair loss - CNS problems - nystagmus - mood changes - fatigue - weight loss - fever ![[systemic lupus erythematosus.png]] ## Diagnostic Tests Several different labs can be run to test for lupus, as well as a [[complete blood count|CBC]]. Since the body is producing antibodies against cell nuclei/DNA, this is what we're really looking for. - antinuclear antibody (ANA) [[antinuclear antibody]] - Anti-DNA - Anti-ds DNA - highly specific to systemic lupus - Anti-sm DNA - a protein found in the nucleus ## Treatment Treatment of SLE often focuses on treating the symptoms, preventing flair ups and monitoring for organ damage. - meds - [[NSAIDs]] - [[DMARDs|hydroxychloroquine]] - needs regular eye exams on this med - [[corticosteroids]] - plasmapheresis - dietary education - protection from skin - pain management - monitor for - s/s of infection - renal/cardiac/hepatic function ## Nursing Considerations Activity Intolerance R/T inflammatory effects Acute Pain R/T inflammatory effects Chronic Pain Fatigue Disturbed Sleep Pattern Impaired Physical Mobility ___